

@validator([EL-expression], [arbitraryKey]=[EL-expression] )


Target Attribute: any (except viewModel, validationMessages, form, and event attributes)

Purpose: It should be used with @bind, @load, @save. It applies a validator to validate data when saving to ViewModel.

The evaluation result of EL expression should be a Validator object. You can append arbitrary arguments in key-value pair with a comma to separate to pass it to the Validator object. Built-in Validator is referenced by a string literal as its name.


Basically, it uses key-value pairs. You can write multiple key-value pairs with different key names.

An EL expression without key is set to a default key named "value" implicitly.

Since each annotation has different functions, some annotations may ignore key-value pair expressions other than default key, e.g.@id.


It could be any name; it's used as a key for parameter related Java annotation in a ViewModel.


Use built-in validator named beanValidator

<window id="win" apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init(foo.MyViewModel)">
    <textbox value="@bind(vm.user.lastName) @validator('beanValidator')"/>

Use custom validator

<datebox id="cdbox" value="@bind(fx.creationDate) @validator(vm.creationDateValidator)"/>