Binding Annotation for a Custom Component

When we apply data binding expression on a component's attribute, ZK automatically saves the value back and loads the value from the ViewModel. How does ZK know when to save or load which attribute of a component? It is declared in a ZK component's metainfo. ZK reads the component's metainfo and knows how to process data binding expressions on a component.

Before we declare data binding annotation for a new custom component, only load binding will work. We need to declare explicitly to let save binding work. This section describes about how to declare it.

Create a Custom Component

In order to explain how to declare data binding definition, we create a macro component with a custom class as an example. (Please refer here for details.) The macro component is named "EditableLabel". It's a label with in-place editor. This component display a label first. When we double click it, it switch to a textbox for editing and change label's value.

public class EditableLabel extends HtmlMacroComponent {

    Textbox textbox;

    Label label;

    public EditableLabel() {
        // force the template to be applied, and to wire members automatically

    public String getValue() {
        return textbox.getValue();

    public void setValue(String value) {

    public void doEditing() {

    public void doEdited() {
        Events.postEvent("onEdited", this, null);
  • Line 34: This component sends custom event to notify that Label's value is changed.


    <label id="label" />
    <textbox id="textbox" visible="false"/>

Declare Data Binding in Language Addon XML

In order to let BindComposer knows how to process a custom component's data binding expression, we should declare data binding definition. For complete XML's element and attributes, please refer to Data Binding and Language Definition. Here we only cover mostly commonly used attributes.

For our example, the key point is to declare when to save component's "value" property to a ViewModel's member variable. The saving time is specified by event name.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • Line 3: You should give a unique name.
  • Line 6-7: These two elements are required.
  • Line 10: Specify which property of this component that ZK should save.
  • Line 16-17: Specify the event name that when the component sends it, ZK should save the specified property.

Declare Data Binding by Java Annotation

We can also declare data binding definition by Java annotation, ComponentAnnotation. It's an alternative to XML file. In order to make the custom component be available for all pages, we still need to declare it in lang-addon.xml which we mentioned above.


The following annotation has the same effect as the XML file of previous section.

@ComponentAnnotation("value:@ZKBIND(ACCESS=both, SAVE_EVENT=onEdited)")
public class EditableLabel extends HtmlMacroComponent {
    //class body

We can apply @ComponentAnnotation on two targets; one is getter (or setter) method and another is class. This annotation has only one element whose type is String.

Applying the annotation on a getter means we annotated on the property that the getter method gets.For example, you could apply on "value" property as follows:

@ComponentAnnotation("@ZKBIND(ACCESS=both, SAVE_EVENT=onChange)")
public String getValue() {
    // method body

The syntax of annotation's element is the same as ZUML's annotations.


If the component's Java class doesn't have the getter or setter for the given property, you can specify the annotations at the class level by prefixing the annotation with the property name and a colon. For example,

@ComponentAnnotation({"selectedItem: @ZKBIND(ACCESS=both, SAVE_EVENT=onSelect)",
    "openedItem: @ZKBIND(ACCESS=load, LOAD_EVENT=onOpen)")
public class Foo extends AbstractComponent {
    // class body