

@id([EvaluateOnce EL-expression])


Target Attribute: viewModel, form, validationMessages

Purpose: To give an id to current binding target which can be used to reference its properties in the binding annotation of child components.

We suggest you use a string literal in EL expression, as binder only evaluate this annotation's EL expression once to determine ViewModel's id, and this EL expresion is also used in other child component's ZK bind annotation. If it's not a fixed value, it will cause incorrect evaluation results.

When we use it in "validationMessages" attribute, it gives an id to reference validation message holder.

When we use it in "form" attribute, it gives an id to reference form's middle object. Form status variable's naming is: [middleObjectId]Status


Usage in viewModel attribute

<window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('foo.ChildrenMenuVM')"
    validationMessages = "@id('vmsgs')">

Since 9.5.0 We can use simplified syntax to init view model. Notice that the id of the view model will be 'vm' by default.

    <div viewModel="@('foo.ChildrenMenuVM')">
        <label value="@load(vm.label)" />

Usage in form attribute

<grid form="@id('fx') @load(vm.user) @save(vm.user,before='register')">