Enumeration of all context
enum ContextType {
BIND_CONTEXT, //BindContext instance
BINDER, //Binder instance
TRIGGER_EVENT, //Event that trigger the command (since 6.0.1)
COMMAND_NAME, //Command name (since 6.0.1)
EXECUTION, //Execution instance
COMPONENT, //Component instance of current binding
SPACE_OWNER, //IdSpance instance of spaceOwner of current component
VIEW, //the view component of binder
PAGE, //Page instance of current component
DESKTOP, //Desktop instance of current component
SESSION, //Session instance
APPLICATION //Application instance
Target: A method's parameter (for initial and command methods)
Purpose: Tell binder to pass the context object with specified type.
The annotation is applied to initial (or command) method's parameter. Methods can get various ZK context objects like Page or Desktop by applying annotation on parameters.
Retrieve various context object in a ViewModel
public void init(
@ContextParam(ContextType.EXECUTION) Execution execution,
@ContextParam(ContextType.COMPONENT) Component component,
@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view,
@ContextParam(ContextType.SPACE_OWNER) IdSpace spaceOwner,
@ContextParam(ContextType.PAGE) Page page,
@ContextParam(ContextType.DESKTOP) Desktop desktop,
@ContextParam(ContextType.SESSION) Session session,
@ContextParam(ContextType.APPLICATION) WebApp application,
@ContextParam(ContextType.BIND_CONTEXT) BindContext bindContext,
@ContextParam(ContextType.BINDER) Binder binder) {
// method body
The following is another example.
<vbox id="vbox" apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('eg.ContextParamVM')">
<button id="cmd" label="cmd" onClick="@command('cmd')"/>
A ViewModel used by above zul
public class ContextParamVM {
public void cmd(
@ContextParam(ContextType.COMPONENT) Component component,
@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
// method body
- In above example, the variable component is a Button object and the view is a Vbox object.