The binder is responsible for synchronizing data between the View and ViewModel. Typically the ViewModel is a plain old Java object (POJO) and has no reference to any UI component. Hence it cannot push data to a UI component. Developers have to specify the dependency of ViewModel's properties with ZK provided Java annotation, then binder knows when to reload which property and to update the UI view.
Notify Change
ZK bind provides a set of Java annotations ( @NotifyChange, @DependsOn, @NotifyChangeDisabled, @SmartNotifyChange, @AutoNotifyChange ) to specify when to reload which property to UI components. Developers have to specify it at design time, and the binder will synchronize data at run-time. The binder keeps track of binding relationships between component's attribute and ViewModel's property. After each time it invokes a ViewModel's method (setter, getter, or command method), it looks for corresponding component attribute to reload according to specified properties in the annotation.
Notify on Command
During execution of a command, one or more properties are changed because Command method usually contains business or presentation logic. Developers have to specify which property (or properties) is changed in Java annotation's element, then the data binding mechanism can reload them from ViewModel to View at run-time after executing the Command.
The syntax to notify property change:
One property:
Multiple properties:
@NotifyChange({"property01", "property02"})
All properties in a ViewModel:
Following is an example of @NotifyChange
public class OrderVM {
//the order list
List<Order> orders;
//the selected order
Order selected;
//getter and setter
public void saveOrder() {
/* In newOrder() , we change property "orders" and "selected",
therefore we apply @NotifyChange to notify binder to reload 2 changed properties
after command execution. */
@NotifyChange({"orders", "selected"})
public void newOrder() {
Order order = new Order();
selected = order;//select the new one
/* The deleteOrder() also change the same 2 properties.
Assume that this ViewModel class has only 2 properties,
we can use "*" (asterisk sign) to notify all properties in current class. */
public void deleteOrder() {
getService().delete(selected);//delete selected
selected = null; //clean the selected
Smart Notify Change
Since 8.0.0
You can use @SmartNotifyChange
as a drop-in replacement of @NotifyChange
. The only difference between @SmartNotifyChange
and @NotifyChange
is ZK will check if the property is actually changed (dirty). For example, even you specify @SmartNotifyChange({"prop1", "prop2", "prop3"})
, only the dirty properties will be actually notified.
and @NotifyChange
can be co-existed since @NotifyChange
definitions won't be overridden by @SmartNotifyChange
Notify on Setter
For similar reason, property might be changed in setter method. After value is saved to ViewModel's property, multiple components or other properties might depend on the changed property. We also have to specify this data dependency by @NotifyChange
Enabled by Default
A setter method usually changes only one property, e.g. setMessage() will set message to new value. To save developer's effort, the target property changed by setter method is notified automatically. That is, @NotifyChange
annotation on a setter is not required unless there are some other properties changed by the setter and need to be explicitly notified.
public class MessageViewModel {
private String message;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public void setMessage(String msg) {
message = msg;
- There is no need to specify
in MessageViewModel if onlymessage
is changed in the setter method.
The ZUL that uses MessageViewModel.
<textbox id="msgBox" value="@bind(vm.message)"/>
<label id="msg1" value="@load(vm.message)"/>
<label id="msg2" value="@load(vm.message)"/>
- When a user input value in msgBox and the value is saved back to ViewModel, the data binding mechanism will synchronize the value to msg1 and msg2 automatically.
Developer can disable this default behavior by adding @NotifyChangeDisabled
on setter method.
Specify Dependency
For setter method, @NotifyChange
is used when multiple properties have dependency relationship, e.g. one property's value is calculated from the other properties. Notice that if you apply @NotifyChange
on a setter method, default notification behavior will be overridden.
@NotifyChange on Setter
public class FullnameViewModel {
//getter and setter
public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
this.firstname = firstname;
/* By default setLastname() will notify "lastname" property's change.
Becuase we apply NotifyChange on it, this default notification is overridden.
We have to notify it explicitly. */
@NotifyChange({"lastname", "fullname"})
public void setLastname(String lastname) {
this.lastname = lastname;
public String getFullname() {
return (firstname == null ? "" : firstname) + " "
+ (lastname == null ? "" : lastname);
In above code snippet, fullname is concatenated by firstname and lastname. When firstname and lastname is changed by setter, the fullname should be reload to reflect its change.
If a property depends on many properties, @NotifyChange
will distribute in multiple places in a ViewModel class. Developers can use @DependsOn
for convenience. This annotation defines the dependency relations among properties and can provide same function as explicit @NotifyChange
, but it's used on getter method.
Example of @DependsOn
public class FullnameViewModel {
//getter and setter
public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
this.firstname = firstname;
public void setLastname(String lastname) {
this.lastname = lastname;
/* The example is functional equivalent to previous one, but written in
reversed meaning. It means when any one of 2 properties (firstname, lastname) change,
fullname should be reloaded. */
@DependsOn({"firstname", "lastname"})
public String getFullname() {
return (firstname == null ? "" : firstname) + " "
+ (lastname == null ? "" : lastname);
Notify Bean Change
If you bind a component's attribute to a bean and want to reload it after the bean's property changed, you should apply the following syntax on the setter of that target property:
Note a dot(.) is a bit different from an asterisk(*) because an asterisk, @NotifyChange("*")
, just notify binder to reload those components that bound to the bean's properties, e.g. @bind(vm.person.firstname)
, @bind(vm.person.lastname)
, and @bind(vm.person.fullname)
. The component attribute that bound to the bean itself, i.e. vm.person
, will NOT be reloaded with the @NotifyChange("*")
. In such case you have to use @NotifyChange(".")
to tell binder that the bean itself has changed and the component attribute bound to the bean shall be reloaded.
For what use cases you will need this? Most of the time, we bind one component attribute to only one bean property. However, there are cases that you might want to bind the component attribute to a calculation result of multiple bean properties; yet you don't want to put that calculation logic in the bean. Then you can bind the component attribute to the whole bean and have a converter to convert the data upon the bean's multiple properties.
For example, assume there is a web page in a tour website. A customer has to fill the leave and return day of a trip and the duration of the trip shall be automatically calculated and show on the screen after the user fills either fields. Here we choose to use a converter to do the duration calculation instead of implementing the logic in the Trip class as a property. In such scenario, you will need to annotate @NotifyChange(".")
on both leaveDate and returnDate property setters so when either leaveDate or returnDate property changes, the duration attribute can be updated.
Bind to an object example
Leave Date: <datebox value="@save(vm.trip.leaveDate)"/>
Return Date: <datebox value="@save(vm.trip.returnDate)"/>
Duration including leave and return(day):
<label value="@load(vm.trip) @converter(vm.durationConverter)" />
- Because durationConverter needs to access 2 properties (leaveDate, returnDate), we have to bind label's value to the trip bean itself not an individual property of the bean.
@NotifyChange(".") example
public class DurationViewModel {
private Trip trip = new Trip();
public class Trip {
private Date leaveDate;
private Date returnDate;
public Date getLeaveDate() {
return leaveDate;
public void setLeaveDate(Date leaveDate) {
this.leaveDate = leaveDate;
public Date getReturnDate() {
return returnDate;
public void setReturnDate(Date returnDate) {
this.returnDate = returnDate;
public Converter getDurationConverter(){
return new Converter() {
public Object coerceToUi(Object val, Component component, BindContext ctx) {
if (val instanceof Trip){
Trip trip = (Trip) val;
Date leaveDate = trip.getLeaveDate();
Date returnDate = trip.getReturnDate();
if (null != leaveDate && null != returnDate){
if (returnDate.compareTo(leaveDate) == 0){
return 1;
}else if (returnDate.compareTo(leaveDate) > 0) {
return ((returnDate.getTime() - leaveDate.getTime())/1000/60/60/24) + 1;
return null;
return null;
public Object coerceToBean(Object val, Component component, BindContext ctx) {
return null;
- About how to implement a converter, please refer to Data Binding/Converter.
Auto Notify Change
Since 8.5.1
You can add an @AutoNotifyChange
on a view model class to enable this feature explicitly or specify the library property org.zkoss.bind.viewModel.autoNotifyChange.enabled
to true
in zk.xml to enable this feature by default without the need of an annotation.
public class MyVM {
When Auto NotifyChange is turned on, you don't have to specify any @NotifyChange
on @Command
methods anymore. Instead you should call the setter to notify ZK.
public void cmd(@BindingParam("name") String name) {
// _name = name; // old
setName(name); // new
Notify Programmatically
Sometimes the changed properties we want to notify depends on value at run-time, so we cannot determine the property's name at design time. In this case, we can use BindUtils.postNotifyChange(String queueName, String queueScope, Object bean, String property) to notify change dynamically. The underlying mechanism for this notification is binder subscribed event queue that we talk about in the binder section. It uses desktop scope event queue by default.
The Object used for the "bean" parameter can be any object used in a load binding. The "property" string refers to the specific property used in the binding. It is possible to target a bean that was used in a binding implicitly. For example, if collection is bound using forEach, the "each" variable will refer to each element of the collection, and can be notified individually.
Additionally, it is possible to notify an individual bean, instead of a bean property by using the "dot" syntax. (see example below)
Dynamic Notification
String data;
// setter & getter
public void cmd() {
if (data.equal("A")) {
//other codes...
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, this, "value1");
} else {
//other codes...
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, this, "value2");
//notifying individual properties of an arbitrary object
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, myBean, "value2");
//notifying all properties of an arbitrary object
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, myOtherBean, "*");
//notifying an arbitrary object itself
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, myOtherBean, ".");
- The first parameter of postNotifyChange() is queue name and second one is queue scope. You can just leave it null and default queue name ans scope (desktop) will be used.
We provide a simpler way to call postNotifyChange for the most common usage (omitting the queue name and scope) since 9.5.0. You can pass the bean instance and one or more properties name of bean only. For example:
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(this, "propertyOne");
BindUtils.postNotifyChange(this, "propertyOne", "propertyTwo", "propertyThree");