Wire Components

Since 6.0.2

Although the design principle of MVVM pattern is that ViewModel should not have any reference to UI components, ZK still provides two ways to retrieve UI components in a ViewModel. However, we do not suggest this usage as it loses ViewModel an important advantage: loose coupling with View. Notice that binder also manipulates UI components, so your operation to UI components may affect binder's work. Please be careful when using it.

One way to get components is passing components as parameters in command binding which we have talked before. Another is to call Selectors.wireComponents() . This way enables you to wire components with @Wire like what you do in a SelectorComposer. You should call Selectors.wireComponents() in a method with @AfterCompose as follows:

Example to wire components in a ViewModel

public class SearchAutowireVM {

    //UI component
    Popup popup;
    Label msg;

    public void afterCompose(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
        Selectors.wireComponents(view, this, false);
  • Selectors.wireComponents()'s first parameters is Root View Component which can be retrieved by @ContextParam