<apply templateURI="..." />
<apply template="template1" arg="value">
<template name="template1">
<label value="@load(arg)" />
The apply tag allows you to choose which <template>
to be
applied. You specify the template's name using the template attribute or the template's URI using the templateURI attribute.
There are two ways to pass parameters to the applied shadow:
First, you can use an additional attribute in ZUL, like:
<apply templateURI="/WEB-INF/mypage" arg="something" />
Second, you can use the query string:
<apply templateURI="/WEB-INF/mypage?arg=something" />
With the query string, you can pass only the String values. The parameter can be accessed with the arg variable in EL expressions.
<apply templateURI="@load(vm.templateURI)"/>
<apply template="@load(vm.template)" arg="@ref(vm.xxx)">
<template name="a">
<label value="@load(arg)" />
<template name="b">...</template>