Event Forwarding

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Revision as of 11:16, 21 September 2010 by Tomyeh (talk | contribs)


For easy programming, ZK does not introduce any complex event flow. When an event is sent to a target component, only the event listeners registered for the target component will be called. It is the application's job to forward an event to another component if required (by the application).

For example, you might have a menu item and a button to trigger the same action, say, opening a dialog, and then it is more convenient to have a single listener to open the dialog, and register the listener to the main window rather than register to both the menu item and the button.

Event Forwarding in Java

Forwarding an event is straightforward: just post or send the event again. However, there is a better way: composer. The composer can be the central place to handle the events. For example,

public class FooComposer extends GenericForwardComposer {
   public void onClick$menuitem() {
   public void onClick$button() {
   private void openDialog() {
     //whatever you want

Event Forwarding in ZUL

Event forwarding can be done with the forward attribute in ZUL. For example,

	<button label="Save" forward="onSave"/>
	<button label="Cancel" forward="onCancel"/>

Then, window will receive the onSave event when the Save button is clicked.

With this approach we could introduce an abstract layer between the event and the component. For example, window needs only to handle the onSave event without knowing which component causes it. Therefore, you could introduce another UI to trigger onSave without modifying the event listener. For example,

	<menuitem label="Save" forward="onSave"/>

Of course, you can use the composer and ZUL's forward together to have more maintainable code.

Notice that the event being forwarded is wrapped as an instance of ForwardEvent. To retrieve the original event, you could invoke ForwardEvent.getOrigin()

Version History

Version Date Content

Last Update : 2010/09/21

Copyright © Potix Corporation. This article is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.