New Features of ZK Spreadsheet 3.0.1

From Documentation
Revision as of 01:14, 11 February 2014 by Hawk (talk | contribs) (→‎New Features)

New Features

Support Functions: LEFTB and REPLACEB

The LEFTB() is a function that returns the first character(s) in a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify. The REPLACEB() replaces part of a text with another text depending on the number of bytes you specify.

The result of =LEFTB("台灣台北",4) is 台灣.

Retry Incorrect Formula

Since this version, if users enter an incorrect formula, Spreadsheet will popup a warning message. After you close it, Spreadsheet will allow you to retry entering formula again.


Support IE 11

 ZSS-537 Spreadsheet supports Internet Explorer 11

Scroll the Screen Automatically When Selecting in Keyboard

Since this version, when you select cells with shift and arrow key and move the border of visible area, Spreadsheet will auto scroll the visible area according to the arrow key you pressed.

For example, when we select F31:J31


Upgrade Notes

The fields in enumeration Book.BookType are changed from EXCEL_2003 and EXCEL_2007 to XLS and XLSX respectively.